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Home > How To's > Setting up Commercial Invoice Reconciliation for APG
Setting up Commercial Invoice Reconciliation for APG
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Setting up Commercial Invoice Reconciliation for APG


In this document



Commercial Invoice…………………………………………………………………………………………2

Attaching PO……………………………………………………………………………………………………3

Inserting Invoice Headers………………………………………………………………………………..4

Fixing Enhance Issues………………………………………………………………………………………5


















In this document I will discuss how to setup an APG job for CIR. Firstly, we need to find a job to process to do this we can use the following report link below on SharePoint, and then use the following filter settings and click view report, please work through the list in descending order unless ETA is soon or advised.


After finding an appropriate job, job can open the job by clicking the hyperlink or looking for the job number on cargo wise. If you looked to the right of the report it advises if you should setup the job for the automation this is determined by the GW on the right, the setup process is essential for both automation and manual loads.










Commercial Invoice


To find the CIV look inside the GCD document under Edocs if it hasn’t been extracted already, if it isn’t please extract the CIV file from the GCD and save the document as an excel file inside cargo wise, this is an important step for APG automation as it doesn’t accept PDF’s

After this is done open the document and look at the contents inside the commercial invoice every commercial invoice should have one of the following, an Invoice No, PO numbers, APG or Supplier Part No’s, Units, and prices.

Attaching PO


When inside the invoice file you’ll find an list of Po’s you can use the remove duplicates function inside Excel to narrow it down. when you find all the PO’s used in the CIV file, inside Cargowise navigate to Basic registration or Declaration if it’s a Bjob and click the ‘attach’ button under Orders tab.

Simply type in the PO number and use the last split in this instance B000008413 – 1 right click and select edit, then actions at top left and split the order, clear the fields Invoice No and Date to the right of invoice no, then save & close. After this is done you should see a new split on the Orders page just select the new Split that was created.

Work through the PO list obtained from the commercial invoice and attach each PO till all of them are complete and every PO on invoice is attached.





Inserting Invoice Header’s


After attaching in the PO’s go to brokerage tab and then invoice Headers and insert the Invoice numbers that were on the invoice inside Invoice NO. field, make sure the invoice total and currency matches what is on the invoice. After that open, the packing list to find out weight or packages used and insert one or the other.

After all invoice headers are in you can now save and close the job and the job should be ready for manual entry or automation process via gateway. You can test if everything works correctly by trying to open the job in Enhance. If the job is setup properly should look like the following below.


Fixing Enhance Issues


In this Article I will go over some of the steps taken to complete the Commercial Invoice Reconciliation for APG, this will overview some of the known supplier and Enhance problems faced and will provide details on how to fix these issues.


Red lines in enhance

If you notice any red lines inside enhance it could be one of the following issues, here is a list of things you need to check for if you notice this issue.

  • Check part no and verify if it is correct.
  • Check if the PO used is correct
    • Check if the PO used is attached.
    • There are instances where there could be typos in the invoice causing this issue to occur, please check the invoice in the job and verify if this is the issue
  • If no part no or PO cant be found please make APG aware that the following cant be found please use email [email protected] to makes this request.


Supplier Conditions for APG Automation

Some suppliers have a set of rules that need to be followed for the invoice process to work properly, doing the wrong thing can result in an automation failure or incorrect data to flow through.



This supplier sometimes sends invoices with format .xlsb, if you notice this, please save invoice as .xls as this causes issues with the invoice automate process.



This supplier usually provides 2 different invoices one with ORG in the name one with CUM in the name, please attach the file name with ORG in title.



For this supplier sometimes the wrong files get attached to the job, please delete any files with AP in the title as this is usually just a packing list. As this supplier usually has multiple invoice number select brokerage at the top of CW and select Auto Apportion Weight.

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